Lash Allergies & Sensitivities

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I have sensitive eyes, what if I have a reaction?

A general ‘eye sensitivity’ and a true allergic reaction are very different. We use medical-grade adhesive that is very low in fumes. We take extra steps and every action every possible to minimize sensitivity from the adhesive, including a solution that helps cure the adhesive faster, fanning your eyes, and applying a cool mist on your eyes and face after we're finished applying lashes.

I've had an allergic reaction before to lash glue. Will I have one again?

Yes. But with a little bit of magic, (AKA, a prescription from your doctor), you can prevent it! Call us for a consultation and we will walk you through the details to take to your doctor.

Is there a chance I'll be allergic to the adhesive?

The lash adhesive allergy is very real, but it is also highly unlikely to have a true allergic reaction your first time getting lash extensions.

An allergic reaction to Cyanoacrylate, (the active ingredient and also the typical allergen in the lash glue) will usually present itself after the 3rd exposure.

That means, if 10 years ago, your best friend's-roommate's-aunt gave you lash extensions twice with no issues, the next time you get extensions, you could have a reaction, but it is very unlikely.

In some cases, clients can develop an allergy to the lash adhesive even after years of extension-wearing, but again, this is not typical.

Can I minimize the chance of an allergic reaction?

Yes. If you have a known lash adhesive allergy, there is a prescription ointment that can help. Call us for a consultation and we will walk you through the details to take to your doctor.

In addition to talking to your doctor, allergic reactions are drastically reduced when lash technicians are making sure the extensions are adhered only to the natural lash, and not making direct contact with the skin.

Lash extensions at A Little Lash Shop are carefully placed about .5mm away from the eyelid with no contact with the skin.

I'm allergic to lash glue, but I've heard that "sensitive" glues are a safe alternative for me.

The simple answer is "no." If you are allergic to Cyanoacrylate (the active ingredient and also the typical allergen in the lash glue) you will have an allergic reaction. This chemical is the active ingredient in ALL medical-grade lash adhesive.

"Clear" adhesives only omit the ingredient "Carbon Black", not Cyanoacrylate.

There is another ingredient in the adhesive we use called "PMMA." This ingredient aids in reinforcing cyanoacrylate. The two ingredients go hand-in-hand and help each other achieve a rapid cure and strong bond.


Shannon has "The Lash Allergy."

From her own misfortunate and somewhat ironic situation, Shannon became passionate about thoroughly understanding this allergy.

There is a lot of misinformation about "being allergic to lash extensions," and she strives to help educate her current and future clients.

Shannon has done extensive research on this topic, as well as participated in professional courses pertaining to lash adhesive allergies.

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